speaking of eggo's did you know that they had a specail "eggo" syrup? The company spent a whopping 27 million to try and take down Aunty J. Really it didn't pan out for the kellog company and they were forced to sit by as our favorite mammy outsold everyone inthe syrup isle for another 100 years.
Ever since I can remember my moms Irish, NOT NORTHERN, loosely related family has sent my grandma syrup from their small syrup farm in Le belle provance. Now, Im not going to sit here and pretend i know everything about syrup cause my third cousin, twice removed makes his own in a wood burning sugar shack, butI will say that I have yet to have a maple syrup that excited my pallet nearly as much this has.
can, not squeeze bottle.
I visited the shack once as a kid...theres really not much else to say about it, its in the woods?
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